domingo, 14 de abril de 2013

Exp.1 Conclusion

My model of showroom/studio was designed for Shinya Kimura and Antonio Stradivari. I have had a "rookie" hard time with sketchup as well as some of my colleagues. Thus my model is less of computing skills and more about conveying the character of the clients through the integrated use of space/form, materials, texture and light - using (mainly) GLASS, STEAL, BRICKS, WOOD and (less) CONCRETE.. The use of those features are to combine the artists traits of dynamic curves, movement, clarity and a combination of modern and classy. In addition, the design focused on manipulating  the experience the showroom space evokes to its audience, the dimension and disposition of spaces, according to privacy and work needs of each artists.

P.S.: My model has been uploaded to Google Warehouse, nevertheless it would not upload with all its layers on because it exceeded a 10Mb size limit. So less of its being shown.

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