domingo, 12 de maio de 2013

Articles Mashup


I prefer a spider web (…).1 Based on a few geometric rules, the project exhibits more of his recent interest in fluid and continuous spaces.2 You have to understand the nature and the preciousness of all materials; I like a combination of metal, concrete, timber, masonry and stone.
Louis Kahn used to tell his students: if you are ever stuck for inspiration, ask your materials for advice. "You say to a brick, 'What do you want, brick?' And brick says to you, 'I like an arch.' And you say to brick, 'Look, I want one, too, but arches are expensive and I can use a concrete lintel.3 White, black, shades of black and nature material colours. This building will encourage exchange and communication through a more explicitly fluid arrangement of a rich and diverse range of cultural activities.  ”And then you say: 'What do you think of that, brick?' Brick says: 'I like an arch'".


1.  ABC, “…in the mind of the Architect”, Glenn Murcutt Architect, (assessed May 10),

2. MA, ART APRAISAL, Toyo Ito, (assessed May 10),

3. The Guardian, Louis Kahn: the brick whisperer, (assessed May 10),

terça-feira, 7 de maio de 2013

Model in Cryengine 3

Follows the link to my dropbox containing the level folder of my model:

5 Images

1. The neat look of the building conveys the Japanese heritage the architects have in common. While Sejima is focused on delivering a desired experience of lightness, Tange's space is grounded in scaled repetitions inspired by the idea of fractal. 

2. The public two store patio connects the spaces in multiples levels, not only on a physical  sense where the structure holds the two together but also in  idealistic terms as both clients are humanitarians and caring for the public.

3. The openness of Sejimas space is a response to the environment as she tends to do. In addition, the circular shapes are to enforce her trait of flexibility and fluidity of the space use and circulation. 

4. In detail: a gap between the roof and the wall where little hidden columns connect the structure making it seem like the roof is floating. Thus it reinforcing Sejimas resourcefulness to improve the fluidity and lightness of the building

5. Tanges space is more solid and made of primal geometric shapes. It is away from the edge of the cliff as he was very concerned with safety - as a post war response. Moreover, the buildings are more horizontally distributed such as in the main style of both architects. 

domingo, 5 de maio de 2013

Out of requirements animation

This animation was not asked for, it is here as provisional resource for better understanding of the model...

sábado, 4 de maio de 2013

Prism first models

Two first rough models I did on skecthup before developing into the real model.


The 3 (light, medium and dark) textures I used in my final model
Those have been chosen for its sense of continuity and integration quality that relates to the linked couple of monuments of the two Japanese clients and their very ideals expressed in the concepts..

 The collection of 36 textures:

The sketches that inspired the official 36 textures:

Axonometric prisms

Follows 18 axonometric drawings inspired by the architect's concepts on previous post:
(from top to bottom) 4 Sejima prisms, 4 Tange Tange prisms, 3 mixture (of concepts) prisms and a few rough sketches of planning..